840 Surgery

840 Surgery

Definition: A room used for surgery.

Description: Included in this category are major and minor surgery rooms, delivery rooms, and special procedures operating rooms (e.g., OB-GYN, ophthalmic operating rooms). These spaces are typically equipped with operating room tables, sterile lights, anesthesia machines, and various types of monitoring equipment. Institutions may wish to distinguish specific types of surgery or operating rooms through extension coding. Also includes rooms in veterinary facilities typically referred to as large animal surgery, small animal (includes poultry) surgery, bovine surgery, bull surgery, etc.

Limitations: Does not include the various surgery support spaces that are used as a direct extension of surgery activities (see Surgery Service-845). Also does not include spaces used for the minor invasive procedures (e.g., blood withdrawal, cardiac catheterization) of the diagnostic examination process (see Treatment/Examination Clinic-850).