850 Treatment/Examination Clinic

850 Treatment/Examination Clinic

Definition: A space used for examinations, diagnosis, consultation, or treatment.

Description: Included are rooms used for radiology, fluoroscopy, angiography, physical and occupational therapy, dialysis, body (e.g., CAT, MRI, ultrasound) scanning, cardiac catheterization, pulmonary function and vascular testing, EEG, ECG, EMC, EMR, linear acceleration, dental examination, treatment, speech, hearing, and other similar activities. Also includes combined doctor’s office and treatment/examination clinic rooms. In veterinary institutions, rooms commonly called isolation treatment, small or large animal treatment, small or large animal x-ray, etc., are included.

Limitations: Does not include rooms used for the more radically invasive treatment procedures of surgery (see Surgery-840). Treatment/Examination Clinic (850) diagnosis differs from Diagnostic Service Laboratory (860) testing and diagnosis in that the former requires the presence of the patient.