855 Treatment/Examination Clinic Service

855 Treatment/Examination Clinic Service

Definition: A space that directly serves a Treatment/Examination Clinic room as an extension of the activities in those spaces.

Description: Included are dressing rooms, x-ray and film reading or viewing rooms, film processing rooms, dark rooms, work preparation areas, equipment and supply storage areas, soundproof rooms, patient dressing rooms, and clean and dirty utility rooms if these areas directly serve the primary activity treatment/examination clinic facility. Also includes spaces in veterinary institutions commonly called animal holding pens, or other similar services if these areas serve a treatment/examination clinic area.

Limitations: Does not include service areas for diagnostic service laboratories (see Diagnostic Service Laboratory-860, Diagnostic Service Laboratory Support-865), which typically support the entire health care facility. Primary activity rooms that are used to deliver therapeutic and diagnostic treatment should be coded Treatment/Examination Clinic (850). Treatment, examination, or clinic waiting rooms are classified as Public Waiting (880) facilities.