950 Apartment

950 Apartment

Definition: A complete living unit, with private cooking facilities, that is not a separate structure.

Description: This is the basic module or group of rooms designed as a complete housekeeping unit (i.e., it contains bedroom(s), living room(s), kitchen, and rest room facilities). It is not intended that individual rooms be specifically identified within the apartment, but only that the total interior space be included. Includes apartments provided for faculty, staff, students, or visiting guests. Apartments need not be located in a residential building. Duplex units or townhouses should be classified as Apartments (950) because they are not separate, freestanding structures.

Limitations: Does not include single, freestanding structures (see House-970) or any residential units that do not contain private cooking facilities such as Sleep/Study Rooms Without Toilet or Bath (910) and Sleep/Study With Toilet or Bath (920).